An exercise machine can be any machine used in your exercise.
These exercise machines ranges from simple spring like devices to computerized electromechanical rides.
There are various types of exercise machines available in the market, among all you have to select the best one which can give best exercise to your body.
Take a look on the best exercise machines which makes you to burn more number of calories with in short period of time and which can give most effective exercise for your body:
Treadmill [Benefits of Treadmill]
Elliptical trainer
Rowing machine
Exercise bike
The functions of these exercise machines are explained as follows:
These machines imitate the act of running or jogging.
These treadmills are stationary and belts will be present on this machine. The belts which slide on this machine will give the feel of movement.
Electronic meters will be placed on this machine and these electronic meters will calculate your speed, heart beat, time and number of calories burnt.
Your entire body workout can be carried out on these machines. Treadmill workout will reduce the overall fat content and increase your body metabolism.
Elliptical trainer:
Your whole body workout can be carried out with these elliptical trainers.
Your heart beat rate will be increased quickly by these elliptical exercise machines.
This elliptical trainer will provide exercise to the various parts of the body such as the leg muscles, the shoulder muscles, the back muscles, the chest muscles and the arm muscle groups.
One more advantage of this machine is you can able to pedal it in the opposite direction.
By pedaling in the opposite direction you can able to work on the quad muscles which are present at the bottom part of the body.
Rowing machine:
This rowing exercise machine workout is the great workout for almost all muscle groups present in your body especially for your arms and legs.
These Rowing machine exercises on the legs are most effective, so you must make sure that you get plenty of exercises for your thighs and calves.
The tremendous amount of work will be done at the muscle areas when you are rowing.
Strong abdominal muscles will be developed with this rowing exercise and great cardiovascular workout will also be done along with this exercise.
Your body will be sculpted and toned perfectly with this rowing exercise machine.
Exercise bikes:
Low impact cardiovascular workout (safe and effective) can be obtained by these exercise bikes.
Your leg muscles and hips will burn off the extra fat with this workout.
It acts as the best option for the problem of obesity and strong and toned muscles will be developed at the lower part of the body.
A low-impact movement is concerned in operating exercise bike. So, it will not put much pressure on your joints.
These are the various exercise machines which will help to develop strong and toned muscles in your body.
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