
Eating Out, Without Packing On The Pounds

  Eating out means good food together with convenience for those short of time, but it is not the best for your health or a weight loss program. To eat out without packing on the pounds, follow some simple rules:

  Limit the number of times you eat out. Make a rule that you eat out no more than once or twice a week. This will automatically reduce the amount of extra calories that eating out generally means.

  Pick slow food over fast food. This is a no-brainer but bears repeating: Fast food may be convenient but it is hardly healthy. Quickly and deep fried items made from Trans fats, refined flour with little or no nutritional value pass for food so give fast food a miss.

  Order fewer or smaller portions. Portion control can be the key to any fitness program and should particularly be kept in mind when eating out.

  Beware the sauce, the dressing! A portion of meat may not itself be fattening but drown it in gravy and you have a calorie fest.

  A salad, supposedly so healthy may render itself lethal with a high calorie dressing. Opt for vinaigrette dressing instead.

  So remember, you can eat out as long as you eat smart!

Effects of Caffeine on the Body – Does It Make You Stronger?

  Caffeine is naturally produced in seeds, leaves and fruits of several plants and is a common substance found in many drinks and foods. Although caffeine is usually synonymous with coffee, many soft drinks, teas and other substances contain caffeine as well.

  Surveys have revealed that caffeine is the most widely consumed drug in the world. The stimulant has been around for thousands of years and is currently more popular than ever. Today, it seems like there’s a coffee stand on just about every corner.

  In its raw form, caffeine has a very bitter taste. This taste is frequently disguised by most drinks. Theeffects of caffeine on exercise have been well documented, and many sports supplements and energy drinks currently contain caffeine as one of the primary ingredients.

  General Effects of Caffeine on the Body

  Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant that temporarily gives you energy and alertness, while warding off drowsiness. In 1958, the Food and Drug Administration labeled coffee as a generally safe substance. This cardiovascular stimulant delays fatigue and typically takes less than an hour to affect your body.

  People who are sensitive to caffeine can feel its effects up to six hours after consumption; however, most people’s blood concentrations of caffeine will usually peak within 45 minutes of ingestion and the effects can last for over an hour.

  Caffeine and Strength Training

  We have all had the days in the gym where getting through a workout felt like a daunting task. Whether you’re training for competition or to stay in shape, sometimes an extra push is just what you need to stay motivated.

  Can caffeine provide that much needed stimulation during grueling workouts? Well, according to research caffeine can have a positive outcome on sports performance.

  Study 1: The International Journal of Sport’s Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism published a study in which rugby players were administered between 200 and 800 milligrams of caffeine one hour prior to participation in a weightlifting program.

  The results: In players who lifted weights without ingesting caffeine, their testosterone rose 15% during training. Players who were administered the highest dose of 800 mg of caffeine had a 21% increase in testosterone levels during weightlifting training.

  Study 2: In another study, published in 2008 by the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, researchers studied the direct effects of caffeine on strength. As in the previous study, caffeine and a placebo were given to athletes prior to performing weightlifting exercises.

  The results: During the bench press exercise, subjects who were administered caffeine prior to exercise were able to lift more weight than the placebo group.

  Perceived Overall Exertion

  Another benefit of caffeine prior to exercise that has been frequently reported is its effect on perceived overall exertion. This is the widely accepted measurement of the level of intensity that you feel during a workout or physical activity.

  According to the Journal of Sports Medicine, people that took caffeine prior to working out exhibited a decreased sense of perceived overall exertion. This can lead to less pain and a better sense of enjoyment during training.

  Additional Training Effects of Caffeine on the Body

  Caffeine is most commonly known as an energy stimulant. A 2010 study published by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition revealed that caffeine as an energy supplement is beneficial for “high intensity exercise of prolonged duration.”

  Another benefit of caffeine is its ability to increase alertness. This is why many people drink coffee in the morning to help him wake up. In the above-mentioned 2008 study, caffeine was also shown to increase alertness during training.

  Risks Associated with Caffeine

  Caffeine clearly has several benefits if taken before exercise; however, there are certain risks associated with the stimulant:

  1. High Blood Pressure

  While an increased heart rate may be beneficial during exercise, people with high blood pressure or heart conditions should consult their physician prior to consumption of products containing caffeine.

  2. Nausea

  Everyone’s caffeine tolerance is different. Some people may become nauseous after too much caffeine. It generally takes between 400 to 500 milligrams of caffeine before it causes nausea in most people.

  Most cups of coffee contain about 100 mg of caffeine.

  3. Irritability

  The Mayo Clinic warns that too much coffee or caffeine can cause you to become irritable. Irritability and anxiety are common byproduct of excessive caffeine consumption. Ingestion of up to 600 milligrams of caffeine a day is considered heavy use of caffeine notes the Mayo Clinic.

  4. Nervousness

  This common side effect goes hand-in-hand with irritability and anxiety. Although not typically a serious side effect, if you feel jittery or nervous, you may want to limit your intake of caffeine.


10 Outdoor Activities to Lose Weight

Summer has finally arrived; the sun is shining and the good weather is beckoning you outside – so what are you waiting for? The grand outdoors offers a variety of activities that allow you to have fun and shed those unwanted pounds.
Outdoor activity has the added bonus of being an inexpensive way to work out – no gym fees or fancy club memberships necessary. Just bring some sunscreen and get ready to leave the television and video games behind for some old-fashioned outside excitement. Here are 10 outdoor activities to help you lose weight:

1. Yard Work
The grass is overgrown and leaves are piled up about a mile high in the corner of the yard. Great news! You have a free workout just waiting for you in your front yard. All you need to do is grab a rake and go to work.
An hour of yard work can burn between 300 to 400 calories depending on the chosen activity. Perhaps the greatest benefit is that yard work is a perfect way to improve the appearance of your body and house at the same time.
2. Walking
Research has shown that walking has numerous benefits for your overall health. It’s gentle on the joints and is also an effective way to burn calories. Invest in a comfortable pair of shoes and take a daily stroll around the neighborhood.
You won’t have to worry about waiting in long lines at the gym for a treadmill or elliptical; simply open the front door and take a walk outside.
3. Cycling
Take a bike ride and enjoy benefits such as: weight loss, toned leg muscles, reduced risk of heart disease and increased endurance. Cycling can be a great way for the family to exercise together. Investigate your options for local trails, or depending on the distance, you could bike to work instead of driving.
4. Hiking
An outdoor excursion to the woods or local nature trail is an excellent fitness option. The American Hiking Society says that hiking allows you to improve your cardiovascular health while also improving your state of mind. Taking a hike allows you to get outside and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds you. There’s nothing like a breath of fresh air to clear the mind.
5. Swimming
During the summer months, the water in your local lakes, rivers, pools, and in some cases the ocean warms up. Take advantage of this and go for a swim. Like walking, swimming is easy on the joints and is a very effective way to burn calories.
It is also a great way to cross train. The antigravity effects of swimming will allow your muscles to recover from other land-based exercise programs.
6. Rowing
Maybe you want to enjoy the water, without actually getting wet. A canoe, kayak or rowboat will allow you to do just that. Find a place to rent a rowboat and take along your significant other for a romantic outdoor date. Just remember to bring some healthy snacks and go easy on the wine.
7. Circuit Training
So, you want to build some muscle? You can go to your local park and do bodyweight exercises outside. Create your own circuit program by combining a routine of push-ups, pull-ups, dips, sit-ups and jumping jacks. Many parks even have outdoor exercise stations that allow you to customize your workout.
8. Sports
It doesn’t matter what your favorite sport is, as long as you get outside and play. There are many outdoor sports, such as football, baseball, basketball, soccer, and even Frisbee. Look in your local newspaper or activities guide for groups or teams and give it a go.
9. Horseplay
If you have kids, go outside for some healthy fun. It’s a great way to let your children expend some of that pent-up energy, and also gives you a chance to spend some quality time with them. The activity that you do is not important, as long as you keep your body moving.
10. Roller Blading
This modern-day cousin of roller skating will get your heart pumping in no time. Roller blading is also easier on your joints than running or jogging. If you live near the beach, there are many vendors that will rent roller blades for a nominal fee.
Roller blading on the beach path has an added benefit of allowing you to people watch. However, you don’t have to live near the beach to roller blade- Just find a paved trail, grab a pair of blades and skate like the wind.


Develop Strong And Toned Muscles With Different Exercise Machines

  An exercise machine can be any machine used in your exercise.

  These exercise machines ranges from simple spring like devices to computerized electromechanical rides.

  There are various types of exercise machines available in the market, among all you have to select the best one which can give best exercise to your body.

  Take a look on the best exercise machines which makes you to burn more number of calories with in short period of time and which can give most effective exercise for your body:

  Treadmill [Benefits of Treadmill]

  Elliptical trainer

  Rowing machine

  Exercise bike

  The functions of these exercise machines are explained as follows:

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  These machines imitate the act of running or jogging.

  These treadmills are stationary and belts will be present on this machine. The belts which slide on this machine will give the feel of movement.

  Electronic meters will be placed on this machine and these electronic meters will calculate your speed, heart beat, time and number of calories burnt.

  Your entire body workout can be carried out on these machines. Treadmill workout will reduce the overall fat content and increase your body metabolism.

  Elliptical trainer:

  Your whole body workout can be carried out with these elliptical trainers.

  Your heart beat rate will be increased quickly by these elliptical exercise machines.

  This elliptical trainer will provide exercise to the various parts of the body such as the leg muscles, the shoulder muscles, the back muscles, the chest muscles and the arm muscle groups.

  One more advantage of this machine is you can able to pedal it in the opposite direction.

  By pedaling in the opposite direction you can able to work on the quad muscles which are present at the bottom part of the body.

  Rowing machine:

  This rowing exercise machine workout is the great workout for almost all muscle groups present in your body especially for your arms and legs.

  These Rowing machine exercises on the legs are most effective, so you must make sure that you get plenty of exercises for your thighs and calves.

  The tremendous amount of work will be done at the muscle areas when you are rowing.

  Strong abdominal muscles will be developed with this rowing exercise and great cardiovascular workout will also be done along with this exercise.

  Your body will be sculpted and toned perfectly with this rowing exercise machine.

  Exercise bikes:

  Low impact cardiovascular workout (safe and effective) can be obtained by these exercise bikes.

  Your leg muscles and hips will burn off the extra fat with this workout.

  It acts as the best option for the problem of obesity and strong and toned muscles will be developed at the lower part of the body.

  A low-impact movement is concerned in operating exercise bike. So, it will not put much pressure on your joints.

  These are the various exercise machines which will help to develop strong and toned muscles in your body.


Know The Do’s And Don’ts Of Gym Etiquette

  You have been gaining fitness through gym activities for years and definitely know the techniques of implementing the exercise equipment, right! But, apart from regular exercising and paying the gym subscription, there's much more to learn when it comes to gym.

  Of course, most of us regularly practice exercises without following proper gym etiquette.

  Are you aware of what exactly gym etiquette is? It refers to the things that you need to follow with regard to the behavior at the gym equipment and within the gym.

  So, here are few do's and don'ts of gym etiquette.

  Don'ts of gym etiquette

  Do not disregard the request of other gym member to share your exercise equipment when it is free, during your gap between each session.

  Do not pass too close to the weight lifter while lifting the weight as it can be very disturbing to have someone passing right behind you while lifting weights.

  Do not leave the weights or other exercise equipments in the exercise area after completing the exercise session. insanity workout dvd sale This makes the gym floor messy with equipments. The last and least thing you can do is gather the equipments properly or shift them to a side when you feel too lazy to arrange.

  Do not disturb others mid-set by discussing an issue or asking a query. If you want to converse, wait until their session is completed.

  Do not leave the exercise equipment spread with your sweat. Clean the surface thoroughly with a towel or a tissue.

  Do not occupy any equipment that you ever practice, particularly if it is demanding.

  Do not sit or rest on the equipment especially if the gym has a single piece of that model.

  Do not carry mobile phone into the gym. It can be very disturbing having phones ringing in a gym. Carry your mobile phone only when you expect an urgent call. If possible, set the mobile in vibration or silent mode.

  Do's of gym etiquette

  Do maintain your own hygiene in a good condition and ensure that everything is perfect. It won't be good for others to smell your 1-2 weeks old shirt that you are wearing and sweating in daily.

  Do permit others to use your equipment in between your exercise sessions. If they are inexperienced or less experienced than you, then offer the equipment as a means of encouragement and also help them if they go wrong.

  Do ensure before taking up the equipment whether the person using it has finished, if they have got up.

  Do request people to go away if they disturb you by crowding or restricting access to the equipment.

  Be polite as much as you can and use wise judgment in most conditions.

  Do practice workouts in the right areas if the gym is too busy. If you can practice the workout elsewhere without the use of equipment, then do so.


Home Gym Machines For Whole Body Workouts

  This may sound like some new form of aerial Pilates, but in fact, theAero Pilates range of products are not related to the Pilates exerciseprogram.

  However, the manufacturer claims that their machines will complement Pilates-type exercises.

  Aero Pilates are exercise machines, manufactured by Stamina, who also make other exercise equipment.

  They are marketed as a full body workout machine at the upper end of the price scale. The Aero Pilates machines looks a little like a conventional rowing machine, but will exercise the arm muscles and the abdomen as well as the leg muscles.

  Advocates of the Aero Pilates range believe they give one of the most intense workouts available from any home exercise machine on the market today buy insanity workouts.

  By using your body's own weight to create the resistance that is required for strength training routine, they effectively combine strength training with cardio exercise. This is great news for those of us who are short on time for working out.

  The Aero Pilates range includes the XP 556 Pro Reformer, with 4 heavy duty cords that give you 4 levels of resistance; and its replacement, the XP 557 Pro Reformer.

  These two machines give you more than 100 different workouts and let you choose which part of the body you want to work on. The workouts are all low-impact, which reduces the stress on your joints.

  The biggest machine is the Stamina XP 686 Aero Pilates Pro Reformer. This one has a wooden frame and a smoother action. It has 5 resistance levels and multiple workout programs.

  This heavy duty machine is suitable for people who weigh up to 300 pounds, so there is no excuse for anyone not to use an Aero Pilates machine for getting fit.

  The XP 686 gives you the same full body workout as the other models, helping you increase yourmuscle strength, cardio fitness and flexibility.

  There are quite a few reviews for the Aero Pilates machines available online. Some of these rave about how wonderful the machines are, how easy they are to use and the great results you can expect. These reviews seem to have prompted many people to order one for themselves.

  Consumer Reviews

  There are also many reviews from people who have already bought a machine; these seem to fall into 2 main groups - those who think their machine is fantastic and those who think they wasted their money.

  Those who love their Aero Pilates machine, say how easy the machine is to use and how much theyenjoy exercising with it. Those who think they wasted their money have numerous complaints, but they are all similar.

  These people complain about how difficult the machine was to assemble; how hard it is to use; that the machine actually broke when first used; the cost of the machine and the cost to return the machine to the supplier/manufacturer.

  There are lots of reasonably-priced home gym machines on the market today, so it is a shame that Stamina have priced these Aero Pilates machines so high.

  If you are considering buying one, try to find someone who has one already and try it out before parting with your cash. Read all the online reviews before you decide whether these machines are your best right choice for getting fit.


How To Take Care Of Your Home Gym Equipment?

  Lack of exercise can lead to serious health problems like obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

  In order to arm yourself from these ailments, people have to exercise and go on a diet.

  However, going to the gym everyday can eat up too much time while outdoor exercises such as walking and jogging take too much effort. No wonder, many people are now buying their own home gym exercise equipment.

  Having your personal gym equipment is expensive but it is more beneficial and practical in the long run. insanity workout dvd sale It is good to invest on gym equipment since you can use it anytime and anywhere you want.

  Further, you no longer have to pay for gym membership fees and save yourself the trouble of going to the gym daily.

  With your own gym equipment, you are assured of sticking to your exercise regimen regardless of time and weather conditions.

  Home gym exercise equipment can be very expensive. In order to get your money's worth; you must use it properly. When using your equipment, make sure you set it up correctly.

  Adjust whatever it is that needs adjustment to fit your body, height, and capability. If needed, ask an instructor to help you start on your own gym equipment. Use smooth and precise movements.

  If you want your gym equipment to last for a long time, you must take good care of it. Here are some tips you can apply:

  Check your home gym exercise equipment regularly

  As a responsible owner, you have to conduct a regular check-up on your gym equipment. See if there are cracks, tears, and other signs of damage on them so you can immediately repair them before they get worse. Check for loose screws and knobs and tighten them to avoid accidents.

  Conduct regular maintenance

  Just like how you ensure your car is in good working condition, you must do the same with your gym equipment. Oil your exercise machines regularly to avoid rust.

  Clean and wipe dust off your equipment. After using, wipe sweat off the seat, bench, or handles of your machines to prevent them from getting stinky and dirty.

  Store correctly

  Home gym exercise equipment does not only refer to exercise machines like treadmills, exercise bikes, and rowing machines. They also refer to other equipment used when exercising like dumbbells, weights, ropes, wobble boards and many more. Store them in a cool dry place and never leave them behind after using to avoid tripping down on them.

  Use wisely

  If your home gym exercise equipment is run by electric power, check the wires regularly. Always unplug your machine if it is not in use to save electricity. Don't play with your equipment or perform inappropriate exercises on them.

  Observe child safety

  Never allow your children to even to get near your gym equipment. Accidents can happen. Remember that kids are naturally curious they may stick their finger on your treadmill or try to lift the weights themselves. If possible, place your gym equipment in your bedroom or in any secured room in the house.


Weight Training Equipment – Free Weights Versus Machines

  If you are thinking of buying weight training equipment, then you must be considering which of the two to get - Free Weights or Weight Machines.


Here are some pros and cons of both these types of weight training equipment to help you make an informed decision-

  Advantages of free weight training equipment and disadvantages of weight machines are:

  You get a more complete range of motion when you free weights as against other weight training equipment. You use a greater number of muscles and your movements will be more natural when using them and these are likely to give you better results in terms of muscle gains and improving strength as well as enhanced body balance. There are limited movements that are possible when you use a machine because the range of motion of the machine itself is limited.

  One set of free weights can be used in a number of different ways whereas there is only so much you can do on a weight machine. So obviously the latter is less versatile and flexible and gives you fewer exercise options.

  Free weights take up less space and are more portable. On the other hand, elaborate weight training equipment can take up a considerable amount of space, and cannot be carried from place to place or find place in your travel bag.

  Free weights are a far more economical weight training equipment option. Machines can be expensive even if you get a basic or compact system

  When you train using free weights you make use of something called proprioreception; which is the brain's ability to place the body in relation to its surroundings with enhanced balance. In a sense free weights also train the mind, whereas working out with fixed machines will be a less mindful and more mechanical process.

Work Out Every Day!

  Advantages of machines and disadvantages of fixed weight training equipment are:

  Weight training machines can be suitable even for beginners and there is little requirement for formal training or hands on coaching, when one starts on a program involving weight training equipment. Free weights can require some more knowhow and instruction however.

  Perhaps the greatest disadvantage of free weights is the risk of injury. There is always the risk of injury when weight training equipment is improperly used; however this risk is higher with free weights. Improper action, dropping a weight and so on can cause serious injury. Using improper form or being unbalanced while using free weights can mean injury that can take time to recover from, which can seriously set back a fitness program.

  Machines can specifically help a person with recovery and can be an important part of injury rehabilitation in some cases.

  With weight training equipment the right range of motion and correct form is very important - this is easier to maintain when using machines.

  Changing resistance or weight is easy, convenient and quick with machines. On the other hand, with free weights, you will probably end up wasting considerable amount of time changing the plates and so on.


Pole Dancing for Men – Extreme or Just Experimenting?

  Pole dancing has been a popular form of exercise among women for sometime now. The women vouch for its fitness benefits and this sport is now slowly becoming popular with men too.

  It might be surprising to see a man trying to master the art of pole dancing, but the trend is gaining popularity with more and more men.

  Many women tend to think that the men are there to ogle at the women working out, but it is not so. Men are equally serious about learning the art and using it to maintain their body fitness.


Pole dancing as an exercise form requires tremendous energy, muscle power, agility, flexibility…and yes…grace to look beautiful.

  Women master the art to perfection, but may need some time to be able to catch on to the various tricks as a lot of muscle power is required.

  Men generally find it easy to start, but have to dig deep down to be as graceful as women are.

  It may not be easy for a man to register for pole dancing classes, as no doubt he will be looked at with surprise not just by the other students but also by others who know him.

  But men who have tried pole dancing have not only enjoyed it as a dance form but also benefited from it as an exercise routine.

  It has also been observed that women are generally supportive of their fellow students and offer a lot of encouragement; on the other hand men will take it up as a personal challenge and strive to excel in it without expecting much support from fellow students whether male or female.

  Men find the exercise form very challenging insanity workout online as it requires a high degree of flexibility and strength to be able to hang from a pole in various directions and with a limb or two entwined with it.

  For them the routine is more than a dance form. They consider it an exercise that requires plenty of endurance.


Swiss Ball Exercises for Children

  Like adults, it is important for children to participate in some type of physical activity daily. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, children should do 60 minutes of exercise everyday.

  Thanks to modern technology, children are spending more time in front of television and computers than ever before. More time in front of the TV equates to less time for physical activity.


This is slowly becoming a national dilemma in America. The National Center for Chronic Disease and Health Prevention advises thatchildhood obesity has tripled over the past 30 years.

  Obese children are more likely to Work Out Plan be at risk for cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

  The only solution to this growing problem is exercise. One of the most effective ways to convince children to exercise is to make it fun as well as challenging, and the Swiss ball exercises can be real fun.

  The Swiss Ball

  The Swiss ball, otherwise known as the therapy ball, provides an entertaining workout for children. The origin of the Swiss ball dates back to 1960. These balls were first manufactured in Europe as toys, but were quickly adopted by a Swiss physical therapist for use in rehabilitation settings.

  The Swiss therapist realized that the ball could assist in exercising the often neglected stabilizing muscles of the body. This in turn helped improve patients balance and stability.


What to Cut Out and What to Include in Your Six Pack Abs Diet?

  While exercises are important for those ripped six pack abs, what is also vitally important is an appropriate six pack abs diet which will help you lower the body fat percentage and add definition to the underlying muscles of the abdomen.


Here are the things that you should include in your diet to get six pack abs:

  Probably the most important component of a six pack abs diet is good quality protein, which can be obtained from lean cuts of meat, eggs, fish, and low fat dairy such as skim milk, whey protein drinks, soy, nuts, beans and legumes.

  Carbs should be part of a six pack abs diet; it is not wise to cut them out altogether. However, it is important to have good quality carbs that come from unrefined and natural sources so that they offer a sustained release(i found Workout PlanA) of energy to the body throughout the day. For instance, the kind of sugar that is obtained from fruit will help the body by giving it sustained slower release of energy rather than the sudden spike that comes from other kinds of carbs.

  High fiber food should also form part of an effective six pack abs diet. Leafy green vegetables, brown rice, oatmeal, legumes, fruits, beans, and other whole foods that are high in fiber should be an important part of a six pack abs diet.

  Another food group not to cut out of a six pack abs diet is the right kind of fats. Fats that are obtained from olives, nuts, seeds etc., are of good quality and provide the body with essential nutrients.

  Smaller, more frequent meals through the day will keep your metabolism going at a higher rate and this will help both in fat burning and in preserving lean muscle. So it isn't just what you eat, but also when and how you eat it, that is important for your six pack abs diet.

  The post workout meal is a very important aspect of a six pack abs diet. Post your workout, the meal that you eat will sustain your energy levels and also make sure that your metabolism remains in a revved up state.

  Also include plenty of water along with what you eat.

  Now let us take a look at the items that you should be keeping out of your six pack abs diet:

  Processed, refined foods and drinks that are high in harmful fats and sugars are best kept to an absolute minimum in a six pack abs diet. The fact that processed items contain preservatives, artificial flavors and artificial colors is the reason to keep these off your diet even otherwise.

  Your six pack abs diet should also be low in sodium or salt. There are many reasons to keep salt levels in food low, but this is particularly important from the point of view of a six pack abs diet. A high salt diet will make you retain water which will reduce the definition of the abs muscles.


10 Best Pectoral Exercises for Men – What Works and Why

  Ordinarily, in routine everyday tasks, the pectoral or chest muscles don't get that much of workout. So getting that deep, impressive and muscular chest requires specific pectoral exercises for men, that actually target and develop the fan shaped muscles of the chest.

  The chest muscles consist of the pectoralis major which is in front of the rib cage extending from the shoulder to the breastbone in the center of the chest, and the pectoralis minor which lies below the pectoralis major.


For best results, the chest muscles should be targeted using specific pectoral exercises that will result in a deep manly chest.

  Experts recommend the following 10 best pectoral exercises for men:

  1. The good old pushup is a very effective pectoral exercise for the chest. To increase the difficulty, try elevating the level of the feet using a bench or stability ball or by doing diamond pushups.

  After the pushups, you will feel the ache because of the workout that your chest muscles got.

  2. The peck deck is designed to target the inner chest muscles - remember to use proper form and to contract the chest muscles as you perform this pectoral exercise for optimum results.

  3. The Bench press is another traditional pick of the best pectoral exercises for men. When doing this exercise, remember not to arch the back. For the lower chest muscles, decline the bench; and for the upper chest muscles incline the bench.

  4. Flat flyes consist of lying flat on a bench and working with dumbbells with the arms on the side and the palms facing in to work out the upper and inner chest muscles.

  5. The dumbbell press is also an effective pectoral exercise for men - be sure to engage the chest muscles when you push the weights up and down. Slightly inclining the bench for this exercise will help place more emphasis on the lower chest.

  6. Dumbbell flyes are also usefull pectoral exercises for men - they work both the inner and the upper chest when proper form is used - it is important not to lock the elbows and to open the arms properly for a full range of motion.

  7. Cable exercises performed in different ways are effective workouts for the chest. The cable press engages the muscles of the upper chest and you should feel the pressure there.

  8. Cable flyes are also an effective pectoral exercise - remember to contract the chest muscles properly as you perform the exercise.

  9. Another effective pectoral exercise for men using cables is the cable crossover - this one involves contracting the chest muscles to bring the arms down, elbows slightly bent, to bring the arms below the chest.

  10. Chest dips involve working on the dip bar, making sure the legs are straight beneath you with the head down.

  In this pectoral exercise, it is easy to make the mistake of engaging the triceps so be mindful as you perform this exercise, that you engage the chest muscles and not the triceps.


Kettlebell Workouts

   The kettlebell has been around for a while and has dipped in and out of popularity over the years. It's recent rise in fame may be down to celebrity fans such as Jo-Lo, Geri Halliwell and Penelope Cruz.

  The kettlebell is a very effective tool for working out as opposed to using machines or regular dumbbells. Through regular kettlebell workouts, you can improve strength, speed, endurance, power, posture and flexibility. An accomplished kettlebell user can burn as many calories in ten minutes as you would running for 45 minutes on a treadmill.

  Here are a couple of exercises you can do to start off getting used to the Kettlebell. Start with a light weight so you can perfect the technique.


  Kettlebell Swing

  Grasping your kettlebell by the handles with both hands, stand straight with feet about shoulder width apart.

  Bending your knees slightly, keeping your back straight, lower the kettlebell between the legs Fitness blog

  Now comes the swing. Keep your arms straight and swing the weight forwards a little then swing it back between your legs.

  As the kettlebell swings forward, your hips should be forward and your legs should be straight. When the kettlebell swings back between your legs, your knees should be bent and your buttocks should be back.

  Move the kettlebell using power thrusts from the hip, thigh, and lower back muscles.

  Complete 5 - 10 sets of 20 - 50 swings with a minute pause between each set

  Squat Press


  Squat Press

  Stand with your feet hip distance apart and turn your feet slightly outwards.

  Grasp your kettlebell with your right hand and bring it to your right shoulder.

  Use your left arm to keep your balance by holding it out to your left side.

  Squat down, keeping your back straight and your thighs parallel to the floor.

  While in this position, push the kettlebell up until your arm is extended, then drive through your legs to return to a standing position (keeping your arm extended up)

  Lower the kettlebell back to your shoulder.

  Complete 10 repetitions with your right arm and then switch to your left arm. Aim for 3 sets for each arm.


The Dangers of Exercise Addiction

  Exercise and a healthy diet are excellent ways to stay healthy; however, moderation is the key to any successful program. Many people in America don't exercise enough, but there are some people that fall on the other side of the coin.

  Extreme exercise junkies are often compulsive about fitness. The recommended thirty minutes a day of moderate physical activity is not enough for these folks. Exercise addicts can frequently train as much as to three times a day and exercise sessions are sometimes up to 3 hours long.

  Signs of Addiction


Exercise Addiction

Work Out Blog.

How can you distinguish exercise addicts from health conscious exercisers? To answer this question, you need to take a look at the signs of addiction.

  When an athlete or avid exerciser depends on exercise to dictate their mood on a daily basis, this may classify as addictive behavior.

  Another sign of exercise addiction can be seen in someone who feels that they need to exercise regardless of the circumstances or potential outcome.

  For example, there's a difference between exercising when you're sore or in moderate pain, and exercising when the pain is significant enough to cause permanent damage to your body.

  People who are addicted to exercise don't typically listen to their body when it's screaming at them to stop a certain activity.

  These same people often exercise regardless of what the weather is like, or event though it might cause them strain in other parts of their lives.

  Risks of Exercise Addiction

  There are many health risks associated with lack of exercise; conversely, there also a variety of problems that can because from too much exercise. This is definitely a case when too much of a good thing is certainly bad for you.

  Physical Issues

  The human body can only take so much activity and the dangers of overtraining can't be ignored. Any fitness gains acquired from an exercise program can be quickly reduced due to the onset of an overuse injury.

  While most people generally stop activity when injuries occur, an exercise junkie often works through the pain and constantly suffers greater injury. Pain and exhaustion are the body's way of telling you to slow down or rest. If the signs are ignored, you can suffer further injury and even permanent damage to your body.

  Social Issues

  Like most addictions, what is otherwise a pleasurable experience can turn into an unpleasant one, if it is carried out too far. On many occasions, exercise addicts will feel an overwhelming sense of guilt or shame if they miss their workout during the day.

  Depression becomes a very real issue if they are sidelined from exercise for any extended length of time. Too often, it's a vicious cycle. The addict over trains and suddenly suffers an overuse injury; they are then forced to take time off of training and this causes them to feel is if they don't have a sense of control and often results in depression.

  Another issue for exercise addicts is the lack of time spent with friends and family due to exercise. Loved ones often take a backseat to their training programs. This can result in stress and often gets in the way of family duties and responsibilities.

  This often puts a major strain on their personal lives. People who exercise compulsively also may not be able to enjoy the time that they do spend with their family and friends because they are thinking about working out.


  Counselors that treat exercise addiction usually concentrate on the potential underlying causes of the problem. They typically try to refocus the addict's unhealthy preoccupation of their own self concept.

  Exercise addiction therapy aims at controlling the addict's expectations of themselves. Many exercise addicts are perfectionists that become preoccupied with their own body. Treatment tries to help the addict to find a middle ground in their self-concept as well as in their training routines.

  This will often happen through a gradual process of replacing some of the excessive exercise behavior with other healthy habits.

  Training can still be an important part of the exerciser's life, as long as it doesn't jeopardize personal relationships or destroy their health in the process.


Keeping to fitness plan can be difficult for so many reasons

  Keeping to fitness plan can be difficult for so many reasons - there is boredom, losing motivation, feelings of monotony, wanting to sleep just that little bit extra; there are all the excuses that creep back and send you back to square one.


fitness fire

  So what can one do to keep the fitness fires stoked? Personal trainer Jo Firman's tips are-

  Variety in the workout will help sustain interest and keep one motivated. Vary kinds of exercises, the equipment used, where you exercise and the exercise methods. This also helps in making gains - muscles adapt to exercises quickly and one will then stop seeing improvements, variety will keep you making improvements.

  Reinforce the benefits of being outdoors; in fact the benefits of doing anything that involves being active.

  Don't get bound by a timetable or routine, this is a recipe for boredom. Rather work out anytime and anywhere; please yourself and understand that it is all of benefit to you.

  Fix an event or goal that is to be worked towards. This helps keep motivation levels up.

  Set aside a few hours for yourself each week so that you are able to prioritize your workouts.

  Make it a social event - exercise with family, friends and so on.

  Keep challenging yourself to go further, faster and longer!


Being flexible is part of being fit. Flexibility can be developed

  Being flexible is part of being fit. Flexibility can be developed or worked upon with the help of stretch exercises. These could include yoga postures or eccentric quasi isometrics. The idea is to stretch your body and hold the position for sometime.

  Getting into a position may not be difficult but holding it can be very difficult. The picture below shows the Bow posture from yoga. This posture stretches the arms, thighs, abdomen and chest.


Stretch For Fitness

  Simple to start off with but it can prove difficult to hold for a stiff body. Yoga postures not only increase the flexibility of your body but when done under proper guidance can also help you ease pain and strengthen your body muscles.much sexy

  EQI are usually set at the end of a routine to help the body relax and to rest the muscles in correct stretching positions. The idea is to hold an isometric position and then slowly sink down as tiredness sets in.

  The position may be the midpoint of split squat or dumbbell fly. The isometric position is held for thirty seconds and then the time is slowly raised to two minutes.

  It is without doubt not easy to hold these positions but once you have reached the two minute goal, start adding weight and start over.

  It is essential to stabilize correctly in order to avoid injury or pain. Beginners may like to use softball SMR to relevant body areas before getting into EQI positions.

  EQI works towards stretching and strengthening muscles. It also helps to work towards the goal of a more flexible body. In fact regular EQI after the daily routine will show positive results in a matter of weeks.

  These may prove to be a boon for dancers who need to have very flexible bodies to be able to perform stuff like splits effortlessly.


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Kickboxing Moves Can Be Used to Get into Shape

  While Kickboxing is very cool on its own, kickboxing moves are actually also a great way to stay in shape. Kickboxing is a great source of cardio, and you can also tone your muscles by throwing in some kicks and punches. You don't have to actually fight anyone to get the fitness benefits from kickboxing, and you can even take classes instead of going to the gym to train.

  Many people enjoy the actual fighting component of kickboxing, but you can also just do it in your house by yourself as long as you know some kick boxing moves.


Kickboxing Moves

Kickboxing classes will focus more on the fitness side of the sport instead of fighting, and it would actually not be a stretch to say that more people enjoy kickboxing for the workout rather than the actual sport.

  You can still do all of the moves without fighting, so there's no use in getting all beat up just for a workout. If you are just worried about getting into shape, then why not try some kickboxing classes to try it out?

  You can always quit after a few classes if you don't like it, so what's the trouble? Who knows, you may even pick up a few moves that could be used on the streets in self defense.

  While aerobic kickboxing lessons should definitely not be used as a way to fight people, you will still be learning the basic methods of kicking and punching.

  Learning proper kickboxing moves

  Kickboxing is best learned in a class environment where you can learn from an actual teacher and the other people around you. Videos and the Internet are also great ways to learn if you don't have the time to get out of the house. The kickboxing class may also be called aeroboxing, so look for that name in your search if you can't seem to find a location for kickboxing.

  You will be able to develop strength and endurance in this training, which are two qualities that can definitely be used in more areas of life than just fighting. After taking a few classes and realizing what kickboxing is all about, you'll be quick to realize why kick boxers always look like the healthiest people in the world.

  It's extremely easy to lose weight with kickboxing if you stick with it because there is so much activity involved with the entire workout.

  Looking for a class to learn kickboxing moves

  When you are looking for a kickboxing class, try to stay away from fitness coaches who just throw a kick and punch into their routine every now and then. If you want to learn a real routine that will help keep you in shape until the day that you die, try to find someone who knows about the world of kickboxing and can teach you some actual techniques.

  You can always go with the aerobics teacher if you can't find anyone else, but try to seek out an actual teacher of kickboxing moves if you can.


Figuring out the exact diet

Figuring out the exact diet for those who are on metabolic diet can be difficult task, especially for those who are on stern low carb phase of metabolic diet.
Metabolic diet can be followed with two different phases and which one to start with, mainly depends on your personal choice.
If you are confident that you can adopt low carb lifestyle, then you can start with a strict low carb measurement phase.
You can continue this phase up to four weeks. If you feel that you can’t jump precisely to a low-carb diet, then you can start with a moderate carb phase of metabolic diet.
Following any of these either ways, carefully monitoring your body’s response to these dietary changes and then making any necessary changes if required in your carb intake will eventually turn you up to an appropriate dietary carb level.
It is very important for you to realize that metabolic dietis not a static process; rather it is a dynamic process in which you have to actively involve in the process, in order to get best out of it.
Tips for low carb phase of metabolic diet:
In week days, you can try any meat. Most of you might mainly focus on pork, steak, hamburger and also other red meats in your diet. In addition to, you can also include fish, turkey, lamb and also other white meats.
Any kind of cheese can work well with your diet plan, but try to remember that cheese spreads, cottage and ricotta cheese are main sources for higher carbs. Brie, Monterey jack, camembert and also gruyere are sources for lower carbohydrates and also good for your metabolic diet [Low carb diet foods].
If you have sweet tooth, then sugar can become a problem for you. Try to use artificial sweeteners in your deserts and low carb drinks in order to fulfill your cravings for sweetness. Try to stay away from fructose and sorbitol and also make it a point that sugar free doesn’t mean carb free. So make sure to check the labels before purchasing any kind of sweet products.
These are some of the suggestions for your metabolic diet. You can follow these guidelines and remember to take advice from your dietician or health care provider, before following any kind of diet program.


Healthy Diet Meals II

If you think that healthy eating is about stringent nutrition policies and restrictions of eating the food you love, then you are one of those dieters and fitness enthusiast who perceive healthy eating in a wrong way. Instead, healthy eating should be about feeling great and being responsible on the food we eat. Thus, healthy diet meals should not only be determined by its nutritional value but also by its taste and preparation.

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When aiming for your ideal weight, it is significant to highlight the intake of highly nutritious foods in order to meet your minimum nutritional needs without exceeding your calorie limit. In this regard, healthy diet meals shall be stuffed with nutrients and be devoid of empty calories from excess fat and sugars.
Salads, especially those that are mainly composed of vegetables, are excellent components of a healthy meal because they provide rich sources of dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium and iron. Ingredients such as spinach, lettuce and spring greens are excellent for salads due to its low caloric value.

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Similar to salads, soups can be highly nutritious too without containing many calories. In order to maximize nutrition, it can be prepared with leafy vegetables, lean proteins, seafood and beans. Soups with broth and bouillon are also preferable than those with cream and cheese in avoiding weight gain.

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Main Dishes
Having less calories and more nutritional substances, vegetable-based dishes are more advisable to be eaten than those that are prepared with meat. Its ingredients can comprise of broccoli, carrots, celery, bell peppers, eggplants and squash. To improve the taste, it can be added as well with lean meat such as chicken breast and low-fat parmesan cheese.

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Indeed, healthy eating not only pertains to what we eat but also on how we eat. It is already a common knowledge that the type of food we partake determines our protection against the development of certain disease conditions and chronic ailments. Moreover, the implementation of positive habits and attitude while eating can also present several other benefits such as a boost of energy, stabilization of mood, and improvement in memory.

Nutrition Plans for Weight Loss 2

Due to the current fad of maintaining a healthy and fit body nowadays, numerous weight loss programs have already proliferated in the fitness arena. Thus, with an overwhelming multitude of nutrition plans for weight loss, individuals who aim for a healthier body are left with the challenging task of determining what weight loss plans work and which do not. In order to help you solve such ordeal, I am therefore providing you with overviews of several popular diet regimens with highlights on its advantages and its relevant disadvantages.
Atkins Diet
Atkins diet promises successful weight loss by promoting the limited intake of carbohydrates. The primary advantage of following this regimen lies in your guilt-free intake of meat, dairy and other high-fat foods since eating such is not opposed by this diet. However, in worst-case scenarios, utilizing fat instead of carbohydrates as a main source of energy can contribute to the build-up of uric acid and ketones, thus leading to kidney problems and gout.

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Zone Diet
Originally introduced by Barry Spears in his popular book “Entering the Zone”, the Zone diet is a high protein, low carbohydrate diet that aims to achieve consistent balance in insulin levels. By controlling insulin production, Dr. Sears suggested that your body can utilize and burn fat effectively. Advocating calorie restriction, the main drawback of this diet though relates to its complexity in implementation and its intense need for commitment.

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Vegetarian Diet
As indicated in numerous studies, vegetarian diets—especially those that are stuffed specifically with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and legumes—are proven to be effective in safeguarding you from chronic and morbid conditions including cancers. In contrast, it has the potential though to be detrimental to your health especially when food choices do not provide adequate amounts of protein and several other important nutrients.

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Low Fat Diet
Basically, low fat diet is beneficial in several ways. Adherence to this regimen results to a significant reduction in cholesterol levels, heart wellness, and prevention of disease conditions including gallstone formation, indigestion and pancreatitis. Thus, in addition to promoting weight loss, following this diet plan also enhances your overall health and well-being.

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Deciding on what particular diet to follow or even the mere deed of committing to a particular diet can indeed be difficult and confusing. However, by simply maintaining balance in one’s diet, all nutritional plans for weight loss have the potential to contribute for one’s optimum physical wellness.


Back Raise workout

STEP 1. Position yourself into a back-extension station by placing your feet under the leg brace/anchor so that it is hooked there.

STEP 2. With your upper thighs resting on the bad, lock your hands behind your head and bend forward at the hips until your upper body is just short of being 90 degrees to the floor.

STEP 3. Slowly raise your torso until it's in line with your lower body, then lower it. Alternatively, you can hold onto a weight by bracing it with your arms across your chest and do the same motions.


Bowflex Workout Routines

Want to lose weight, get in shape, and feel great - but don't have the time to make it to the gym?

Well, what if you could lose weight, get in shape, AND feel great from the comfort of your own home?

All you need to do is Bowflex Workout Routines three times a week for up to six weeks - and a bonus is that each bowflex workout routine only takes twenty minutes!
Bowflex Workout Routines
"The BowFlex Body Plan" by Ellington Darden

Darden, who has a doctorate in exercise science and is the former director of research for Nautilus, extols BowFlex workout routines. These Bowflex exercise routines are designed to improve weak arms, flabby stomachs and sagging rear-ends. He also offers a muscle-promoting diet, a plan for "superhydration," several motivational pep talks, testimonials and a question and answer section.


Do yourself a favor and buy "The Bowflex Body Plan". See for yourself....

"If you want to get in shape FAST, get started on The Bowflex Body Plan right NOW!"--Peter Fleck, Two-time X Games Water Ski Jump Champion


Superman workout

STEP 1. Kneel on all fours with your knees under your hips and hip-distance apart and put your hands on the floor a shoulder-width apart under your shoulders. Put your spine into the neutral position. Activate your core by drawing your abdominal muscles back toward your spine.

STEP 2. Without any sideways movement and keeping your abdomen pulled in, exhale and slowly raise an opposite arm and leg until they are parallel to the floor - be careful to follow the tempo you have set.

STEP 3. Inhale and slowly return your arm and leg to the starting position.

STEP 4. Repeat for the desired number of reps, then repeat the exercise using the other arm and leg.